
Cats Cookies for People

Brand: Trader Joe's
Source: Trader Joe's

Tom lives a few blocks away from the Trader Joe's in West End, much to my delight.:) What Trader Joe's lacks in variety and basics it makes up for with fun, inexpensive treats like Cats Cookies for People.

I'm a huge fan of all four varieties - original (pictured here), ginger, cinnamon, and chocolate - although cinnamon is definitely the tastiest. They're about the same size as animal crackers but crispier and denser than most brands - and there's no comparison in terms of flavor. At only 120 calories for 15 cookies, who could resist these adorable little guys???

Well, maybe Tom's kitty, who batted at the cookie a few times before losing interest. :)

So, the glorious tradition of Trader Joe's cheap and delicious cookie tubs is alive and well in Cats Cookies for People.

Rating: A-

Rating System:
A - Pick it up today!
B - Worth a try - Will likely purchase again
C - Interesting but won't likely purchase again
D - Somewhat regrettable purchase

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